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8 Ways To Remove Plaque On Teeth

August, 14 2015, Dabur Dental Team

Plaque is the sticky, colourless film that constantly f​orms on your teeth. If plaque is not removed regularly by brushing and flossing, it hardens to create calculus (also known as tartar). Calculus cannot be removed with a toothbrush; only a dental professional can remove it during an oral cleaning. Once tartar forms, the acids released by the bacteria in your mouth can break down your tooth enamel, leading to cavities and tooth decay. Tartar that develops above the gum line can be especially serious as it can irritate and damage the gums. Over time, this inflammation can lead to progressive gum diseases, which can have serious consequences if left untreated. If tartar is not removed and gingivitis. (the 1st stage of gum disease) is left untreated, it can progress into a more serious form of gum disease known as periodontitis. This can ultimately lead to tooth loss and bone degradation. In addition, this dental condition may contribute to heart diseases and other conditions. Thus, it is important to control this dental problem and thus prevent tooth decay.

Here are ways to remove Plaque on Teeth

  • Brush regularly using the proper technique. Use a brush with soft bristles that is small enough to reach all the areas in your mouth. Brush for at least 2 minutes, twice a day and at least rinse after every meal.
  • If you have a constant problem of plaque build-up, opt for electronic toothbrushes as they are more effective than manual toothbrushes for plaque removal.
  • Use Dabur Meswak - Herbal Toothpaste to keep you protected from this dental problem. Be sure to brush or at least rinse after every meal you eat.
  • Always remember to floss as it reaches where your toothbrush cannot and prevents dental problems.
  • Consume crunchy foods as they stimulate the saliva in the mouth and helps keep the teeth clean.
  • Drinking plenty of water during and after meals may also help minimize plaque build-up.
  • Give up smoking if you love your teeth and want to battle dental problems such as tartar. People who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products are more likely to have tartar on their teeth and under their gums.
  • The bacteria in your mouth thrive on sugary and starchy foods. When they are exposed to those foods, they release damaging acids. So, watch what you eat and always opt for a healthy diet and limit sugar intake and snacking.
  • Always visit your dentist once in every six months for a general check-up for dental problems and professional cleaning. This habit will always prevent any complications.

Learn more about the various causes of tooth decay and home remedies to get rid of cavities with Dabur Dental Care

Maintaining proper oral hygiene and using the right toothpaste plays a vital role in keeping dental problems such as plaque, cavities, tartar and tooth decay away. Visit our blog to know more about dental care and following an oral care routine to keep teeth strong and healthy



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