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Tooth Pain/ Toothache Treatment

Toothache is one of the most common problems in the oral cavity. Majority of people suffer from toothache during some time of their life. In fact, this is one of the diseases that people fear the most. The reasons for this condition are many, some of the most frequent ones being decay, abscess, dental trauma, infection, gum diseases, extensive wear and tear of teeth and other periodontal causes. If left untreated, toothaches can lead to severe ear aches, headaches, pain in jaws and throat, irritability and several other conditions. A toothache may even precipitate diabetes and heart problem! When identified in time, the ache can be permanently cured. Good oral hygiene should be practiced to avoid toothaches.


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TOOTH PAIN/ TOOTHACHE: Symptoms and Causes

The root cause of toothache is inflammation in the dentin and pulp (inner core) of a tooth. Pulp is the soft central area that contains nerves and blood vessels. When this portion is damaged or diseased due to different causes, the person experiences extreme pain in the jaws and root of the tooth.

Depending on the cause, toothache can manifest in different ways.

  • Prolonged and persistent pain stretching over hours
  • Incessant, sharp and lacerating pain that radiates to the jaw, cheek, ear and head
  • Pain with intervals of a few minutes
  • Sharp pain when probed or touched
  • Dull throbbing pain

It is very important to consider how toothache manifests because the kind of pain indicates the cause of toothache and eventually its management. For example, sharp and intermittent pain indicates enamel loss, sensitivity, gum recession or cavity. Chronic pain indicates problem in the pulp area. Throbbing pain indicates abscess or infection. Pain while chewing indicates cavities. Dull pain in the left jaw could also indicate an impending cardiac arrest.

Symptoms of toothache

Often, toothache is a symptom of more severe underlying problems and hence should never be ignored. Besides the direct pain experienced at the site of affected tooth while chewing and exposure to stimuli such as heat, cold or pressure, the below given are the common symptoms associated with toothache.

  • Bleeding from the affected tooth
  • Discharge of fluids other than blood from the affected tooth
  • Swelling of the jaws and gums at the site of infection
  • Continuous and throbbing headaches or earaches

Sinusitis, infection of the ear or throat, and injury to the TMJ joint (temporomandibular joint) that joins the skull and jaw cause a pseudo pain in the teeth. It is important to differentiate the causes of toothache from the causes of real dental problems and treat them accordingly.

Symptoms when medical consultation is mandatory

  • Ache that does not recede after a couple of days of tooth extraction
  • No relief is experienced after consuming over-the-counter painkillers
  • Swelling in the entire face or part of the face containing the effected tooth
  • Discharge from tooth (blood and other discharges)
  • Fever following dental ache
  • Pain caused due to severe trauma or injury to teeth
  • Injury to the TMJ joint which leads to an pain when mouth is opened wide
  • Toothache resulting from head or face injuries
  • Facial rashes followed by toothache
  • Vomiting, nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness and other such discomforts following toothache
  • Jaw pain followed by chest pain
  • Excessive bleeding or pain in gums

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Dentists perform a thorough physical examination in order to diagnose the cause for toothache. Alongside, they also study the medical history of the patient in order to eliminate other causes that lead to pseudo or false toothache. In some cases, dental X-rays are required.
Treatment for toothache
Treatment depends on the cause of toothache. The dentist prescribes antibiotics and analgesics to reduce infection and aches. In extreme cases, hospitalization or surgery might be necessary.
Home remedies and natural treatments for toothaches
Every person should give a lot of importance to preventing toothaches. The right way of brushing, flossing and tongue cleaning are extremely essential. Toothpaste containing fluoride can be helpful in maintaining good health of teeth. In case of aches, the below given home remedies help in providing relief until the patient can visit a dentist.
  • Application of ice packs to the affected area
  • Application of clove oil on the aching tooth
  • Chewing a garlic clove to reduce infections
  • Aspirin can help reduce pain
  • Place warm tea bag at the affected area
  • Mouth-rinsing with warm salted water
  • Dip a cotton swab in brandy and apply at the painful area
  • Apply onion juice or paste at the area of infection
  • Apply cotton swab dipped in apple cider vinegar
  • Apply a couple of drop of vanilla essence
  • A few drops of wheat grass extracts are very soothing

Precautions to take when toothache occurs

  • Do not eat or drink things that are too hot or cold
  • Do not chew on the affected side because food particles get stuck in the tooth and increase pain
  • Do not consume foods that are acidic in nature

Toothache can be completely cured with the right treatment. Visiting your dentist at the earliest time is the best choice you can make.

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1) What is toothache?

A toothache is a pain caused around or within the tooth or jaw area due to factors like tooth decay, gum disease, chipped or broken teeth or an infection. The first sign of toothache usually occurs when you feel a sudden pain in the tooth while biting into something hot, cold or hard. The pressure put on the pulp of the tooth sends down painful sensations right through the never endings causing irritation in the affected area. This pain can also be indicative of decay or cavity.

2) What is the cause of toothache?

While tooth decay is considered to be one of the primary causes of toothache, there are many other factors that may also be considered as the root cause for the same. The causes can be as varied as gum disease, tooth trauma, grinding of teeth, an abnormal bite, tooth sensitivity, cavity(ies), tooth abscess, tooth eruption (among babies whose teeth are developing), broken or chipped tooth, infection and many more. If you are facing a recurring toothache, it is advised to see your dentist to find out the actual cause of toothache and start with the treatment.

3) How can you relieve the pain of toothache?

From restoring to natural home remedies to relying on medicines, there are many ways in which the problem of toothache can be tackled. However, these may only be for temporary relief. Recurring pain in the tooth is a sign of some underlying problem and if not treated in time can result in pain to escalate that can lead to serious complications going forward. Therefore, a visit to the dentist is always recommended to know the real cause of the pain and start with the treatment accordingly.

4) Do natural toothache remedies really work?

Natural home remedies for toothache work wonderfully in subsiding the pain and providing temporary relief from the problem. Depending on the severity of the pain, one should opt for them. If the pain is of bearable nature, trying one of the many natural home remedies should always be preferred over easily available over-the-counter medicines. However, if the pain persists for a longer period of time, you must visit your dentist to know the real cause of the pain and get the right treatment. It is advisable to get a proper diagnosis done at a dental office.

5) How can you prevent toothache?

Small steps go a long way in keeping the health of your teeth and gums intact. Following a regular dental care and oral hygiene regime of brushing, at least twice a day, followed by flossing tops the chart. Make sure to use a fluorine based toothpaste at it helps prevent the accumulation of germ causing bacteria inside the mouth. Go low on sugary and acidic food content as they cause tarter and plaque to form on the surface of the tooth. Rinse your mouth with a good quality mouthwash to eliminate the chances of bad breath and to keep your mouth feeling mint fresh all day long and keep all dental problems away. Visit a dentist every 6 months.

6) What is a tooth abscess?

Tooth abscess is also known as a tooth infection in and around the root of the tooth. Depending on the severity of the infection, it may or may not be painful. It usually occurs the pulp or the soft tissue inside the root canal of the teeth gets damaged causing inflammation in the gum area. If it is left untreated for a longer period of time, it not only causes severe amount of discomfort inside the mouth but can also develop into a serious or fatal kind of tooth infection. A bacteria built up in the spaces between tooth and the gum requires immediate attention before it develops into something serious. Therefore, on the first sign of tooth abscess that you notice, it is recommended to seek your dentist’s help.

7) How can you relieve the pain of a tooth abscess?

From trying natural home remedies to opting for medication, there are several ways in which you can easily tackle the problem of tooth abscess. Depending on the kind of pain you experience, these remedies can help control or subside the pain but to eliminate the problem from the root, it is recommended to get in touch with your dentist for immediate and long-term relief.

8) How can you prevent a tooth abscess?

The answer lies in a proper and regular oral hygiene routine. Brushing your teeth, at least twice a day, followed by flossing can prove beneficial in keeping the problem of tooth abscess at way. Also, not consuming too many food products that are high on sugar is recommended. Staying away from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs can help prevent your teeth from any kind of decay. Using a quality toothpaste with good amount of fluorine helps prevent accumulation of germ causing bacteria inside the mouth, thus keeping it healthy, clean and germ-free.
Follow our easy home remedies for toothache to enjoy a pain free day.
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