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In an ideal case, when we close our mouth, the upper teeth fit just over the lower teeth and the pointed ends of the molars in the upper jaw sit comfortably in the grooves of the molars in the lower jaw. The term “occlusion” refers to the teeth alignment pattern on the two dental arches or jaws – the upper and the lower, and the way these two arches close relative to one another. Malocclusion is therefore, any deviation from the normally accepted blocking i.e. mal-alignment of teeth in either or both jaws. A proper alignment is necessary in order to ensure a comfortable bite and also an aesthetic appeal of the dentition. 
Types of Malocculsion
Malocclusion is classified in terms of the severity of the misalignment and the position of teeth. This term was coined by Edward Angle who is considered the “Father of Modern Orthodontics”. He grouped the dentitions into mainly 3 types under “Angle’s classification” based on the position of the maxillary first molar located away from the midline of the face. According to him, the pointed ends of the first molar of the upper jaw should fit in perfectly into the groove of the lower molar. Both the upper and the lower jaw have a smooth occlusion line where all the teeth are arranged. Any variation for this occlusion line can lead to malocclusion of the teeth. According to the angle, the left and right side of the jaw can display different patterns of malocclusion.
The three types of malocclusion are:

Class 1: Neutroclussion: In this condition, the bite is perfectly normal but the upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw slightly. The ideal molar alignment, as determined by the angle, is maintained but the remaining teeth may display spacing, crowding, over eruption or under eruption.
Class 2: Distocclusion:
This condition is also known as retrognathism or overjet. In this condition, the points of the molars on the upper jaw are placed slightly anterior to the grooves on the molars of the lower jaw, leading to severe overlapping of the two arches. This condition can be further divided into two sub classes:
  • Class 2: Division 1: In this division, the molars display the typical class 2 pattern and the anterior teeth tend to protrude.
  • Class 2: Division 2: In this division, class 2 molar alignment is combined with a slight backward tipping of the central teeth and the lateral teeth overlap them.

Class 3: Mesiocclusion: This condition is called prognathism or more commonly as negative overjet. In this case, the points of the upper molar teeth are placed anterior to the grooves of the molars in the lower jaw.  The lower front teeth tend to jut out and are more prominent than the upper front teeth.


The effect of malocclusion depends entirely on the severity of the condition. In the mildest cases, there may be little or no discomfort. There may be abnormal bite patterns associated with a certain type of malocclusion. In more severe cases, abnormality of the face is seen along with a lisp in speech. There may be extreme discomfort in biting and chewing. Sometimes, severe cases of malocclusion can even lead to mouth breathing. It leaves its scars on the sufferer’s personality development too thus, affecting the quality of life.
What causes Malocclusion?
  • Genetics: Malocclusion is often considered to be a condition that is genetic in nature. This means, if there is someone in your family (by genes) who has been treated for malocclusion in the past, there is a good chance that you have inherited it too.
  • Misalignment: Malocclusion results from the difference in the sizes of upper and lower jaws, or due to the size of the teeth. Large teeth may lead to overcrowding or misalignment. The increase or decrease in the number of teeth may also result in malocclusion. In case there is a variation in the structure of the jaw due to conditions like clefts of lip and palate, malocclusion may occur. The distance between the two jaws is essential for a good and comfortable bite. When you have this condition, you notice abnormal bite patterns.
  • Childhood habits: There are many childhood habits that contribute to malocclusion. Thumb sucking, lip biting, mouth breathing, use of pacifier after the age of three or thrusting with the tongue during the growth of teeth can result in malocclusion.
  • External factors: There are several external factors that lead to abnormal bite patterns and misaligned teeth. In case you have had a severe jaw injury in the past or have suffered from tumors in the mouth or jaw, there could be a change in the alignment of your teeth.
Other factors include uneven dental fillings, ill fitted braces and crowns and other improper dental procedures. Sometimes, the growth pattern of the teeth is flawed, leading to extra or abnormally shaped teeth.

1) What is malocclusion?

Malocclusion refers to the problem of misalignment of the teeth wherein the upper teeth do not fit in perfectly with the lower set of teeth.  It is a very common problem caused due to overcrowding of teeth or due to difference in the size of the teeth in the upper and lower jaw. If you have malocclusion, it is possible you might be suffering from abnormal bite patterns or difficulty in chewing and biting food, speech difficulty or lisping or abnormal shape of the jaw.


2) What causes malocclusion?

Malocclusion is a very common problem among people. Its reasons can vary from abnormal shape of the jaw to hereditary. Among children, the problem of malocclusion can occur due to habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, prolonged use of bottle and pacifier. Among adults, the problem can be a result of some kind of jaw injury or fracture that forces the shape of the teeth to alter marginally due to the sudden jerk or force applied on it. Other reasons could be having extra teeth or abnormally shaped teeth, ill fitted dentures, crowns or braces, and tumour of the mouth or jaw.


3) Can malocclusion be treated?

Most people are born with misaligned teeth but the problem can be rectified easily with the help of a professional or a dentist. To correct the positioning of the teeth treatments may include fixing them with the help of braces. In case the malocclusion is the result of overcrowding of teeth, removing extra tooth/teeth is another way of curbing it. With the help of few surgical procedures, the rough edges of the teeth can be smoothened; the teeth can be realigned and the problem of malocclusion can easily be tackled to give you perfect set of teeth.


4) What are types of malocclusion?

There are mainly three different kinds of malocclusion that a person can suffer from. The categories are divided as class 1, class 2 and class 3 variety of malocclusion. Class 1 the most common form and in this though the bite might be normal but the upper teeth slightly overlaps the lower teeth. Class 2 type of malocclusion, also known as overbite, occurs when the upper jaw and teeth overlaps the bottom jaw and teeth. Class 3 kind, also known as under bite or prognathism, is a result of lower jaw jutting out slightly more than the lower jaw causing the teeth to overlap.

5) What is class 1 malocclusion?

Class 1 malocclusion is the most common form of malocclusion. There is nothing severe or harmful about it and is a problem a majority of people suffer from. In this the bite is normal and the only problem one faces is that the teeth on the upper part of the jaw slightly overlaps the teeth on the lower part of the jaw. This usually happens due to overcrowding of teeth in the jaw structure. Unlike other 2 kinds of malocclusion, Class 1 malocclusion does not alter the appearance of the face or cause any discomfort in the mouth.


6) What is overbite and its causes?

Also known as deep bite, it is a condition in which the upper front teeth slightly stick out of the jaw causing it to overlap with the teeth on the lower part of the jaw. It can lead to some aesthetic issues by altering the appearance of the jaw and causing abnormal facial deformities. In severe cases, the problem can become severe too and cause discomfort while eating and talking. It can easily be treated with the help of braces.  An early treatment, around the age of 11-13 is recommended so that it does not become a cause of any worry in the later stages. Maintain good oral hygiene to keep all dental problems away.

1) What is malocclusion?

Malocclusion refers to the problem of misalignment of the teeth wherein the upper teeth do not fit in perfectly with the lower set of teeth.  It is a very common problem caused due to overcrowding of teeth or due to difference in the size of the teeth in the upper and lower jaw. If you have malocclusion, it is possible you might be suffering from abnormal bite patterns or difficulty in chewing and biting food, speech difficulty or lisping or abnormal shape of the jaw.

2) What causes malocclusion?

Malocclusion is a very common problem among people. Its reasons can vary from abnormal shape of the jaw to hereditary. Among children, the problem of malocclusion can occur due to habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, prolonged use of bottle and pacifier. Among adults, the problem can be a result of some kind of jaw injury or fracture that forces the shape of the teeth to alter marginally due to the sudden jerk or force applied on it. Other reasons could be having extra teeth or abnormally shaped teeth, ill fitted dentures, crowns or braces, and tumour of the mouth or jaw.

3) Can malocclusion be treated?

Most people are born with misaligned teeth but the problem can be rectified easily with the help of a professional or a dentist. To correct the positioning of the teeth treatments may include fixing them with the help of braces. In case the malocclusion is the result of overcrowding of teeth, removing extra tooth/teeth is another way of curbing it. With the help of few surgical procedures, the rough edges of the teeth can be smoothened; the teeth can be realigned and the problem of malocclusion can easily be tackled to give you perfect set of teeth.

4) What are types of malocclusion?

There are mainly three different kinds of malocclusion that a person can suffer from. The categories are divided as class 1, class 2 and class 3 variety of malocclusion. Class 1 the most common form and in this though the bite might be normal but the upper teeth slightly overlaps the lower teeth. Class 2 type of malocclusion, also known as overbite, occurs when the upper jaw and teeth overlaps the bottom jaw and teeth. Class 3 kind, also known as under bite or prognathism, is a result of lower jaw jutting out slightly more than the lower jaw causing the teeth to overlap.

5) What is class 1 malocclusion?

Class 1 malocclusion is the most common form of malocclusion. There is nothing severe or harmful about it and is a problem a majority of people suffer from. In this the bite is normal and the only problem one faces is that the teeth on the upper part of the jaw slightly overlaps the teeth on the lower part of the jaw. This usually happens due to overcrowding of teeth in the jaw structure. Unlike other 2 kinds of malocclusion, Class 1 malocclusion does not alter the appearance of the face or cause any discomfort in the mouth.

6) What is overbite and its causes?

Also known as deep bite, it is a condition in which the upper front teeth slightly stick out of the jaw causing it to overlap with the teeth on the lower part of the jaw. It can lead to some aesthetic issues by altering the appearance of the jaw and causing abnormal facial deformities. In severe cases, the problem can become severe too and cause discomfort while eating and talking. It can easily be treated with the help of braces.  An early treatment, around the age of 11-13 is recommended so that it does not become a cause of any worry in the later stages. Maintain good oral hygiene to keep all dental problems away.


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