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10 Primary Causes Of Tooth Decay

December, 08 2016, Dabur Dental Team

Tooth decay is nothing but a damage that occurs when germs in the mouth begin to eat away at your tooth. It is caused due to food particles being left behind or improper cleaning of teeth. When the bacteria and acid in the food come in contact with the saliva in your mouth it causes plaque thus resulting in

cavities or tooth decay

. If not treated, tooth decay can cause cavities, pain, and infection and even tooth loss. The tooth is made up of 3 layers:
  • Enamel
  • Dentin
  • Pulp

The tooth decay process begins the moment the enamel of the tooth is damaged thus affecting the inner layers as well. It is important to know that the ‘pulp’ contains highly sensitive nerves and blood vessels and the moment they get damaged, the result of it can be quite severe and painful.

Symptoms of tooth decay:

The tooth decay symptoms vary according to the extent of the damage caused. At the beginning of the decay, you might not feel the symptoms but as the decay grows the symptoms include:
  • Toothache
  • Visible holes in the affected teeth
  • Sensation in the teeth while eating & drinking
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Teeth staining
  • Pain while biting hard stuff
  • Mouth pain

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay occurs when acid is produced from the plaque. The repeated cycles of this acid attack on the tooth causes the enamel to loose minerals thus initiating the process of tooth decay. If not treated it can lead to severe problems like gum diseases and other dental problems. Following are the causes of tooth decay.

1) Poor oral health-

Skipping your oral health care routine is the shortest route to tooth decay. You need food to live and you need teeth to chew your food. And once you are a grown up, loosing teeth means not getting them back.

2) Deep tooth crevices-

If you have deep tooth crevices then chances are high for you to have tooth decay. Deep crevices are a favorable environment for bacteria to linger around.

3) Excessive intake of sugary foods -

Sugar is the breeding ground for harmful bacteria. It produces acid that damages tooth enamel. To prevent its effects on your teeth and mouth either completely ban them from your diet or always brush your teeth with herbal yet effective toothpaste like Dabur Meswak. Loaded with anti-bacterial properties and astringent, the paste reduces tooth decay as well as helps fight signs of teeth or gum diseases. Dabur Meswak- Ayurvedic Toothpaste

1) Teeth grinding -

Grinding the teeth without even realizing is a common habit of some people. Stress and anger triggers teeth grinding. It puts pressure on protective outer layer- enamel and strips it away.

2) Acidic foods & drinks -

Certain food and drinks are acidic in nature. Fizzy drinks and sodas are also acidic that damage enamel with its own acid.

3) Imbalanced diet -

People who follow crash diets consumes low carb food. Lack of carbohydrates and calcium in the diet is often responsible for people suffering from tooth decay.

4) Dry mouth -

Saliva helps to prevent tooth decay. Dry mouth can be a result of certain medicines or diseases like diabetes.

5) Smoking-

Smoking triggers most of the dental problems.

6) Genetics -

Despite maintaining a proper oral health care routine if you still suffer from tooth decay then maybe it is a genetic problem.

How can tooth decay be cured?

Your teeth are constantly attacked by the acids and it’s the saliva in your mouth that can reverse the damage done. It contains minerals such as calcium and phosphorous that helps to repair the damage done. For tooth decay cure follow these tips:

1. Say no to processed foods -

Processed foods are one of the causes of tooth decay. It increases the amount of sugar intake thus causing your teeth to start decaying. If your teeth are already decaying, you need to control your food cravings.

2. Say no to too much sugar-

Cutting down on sugar and sugar laden food is the ultimate tooth decay remedy. Too much sugar makes perfect breeding ground for bacteria in your mouth. If your teeth are already decaying then sugar will make it worse.

3. Proper oral care :

Wondering how to stop tooth decay? Simply follow the routine of brushing, cleaning and flossing. It is advised to brush your teeth at least twice daily to remove any minute food particles that are left behind in the mouth. Using toothpaste like Dabur Red Paste will not only clean your teeth and mouth properly but also prevent onset of any plaque, tartar or tooth decay. Always follow the brushing routine with rinsing of the mouth with a quality mouth wash and flossing to double ensure your mouth is squeaky clean.  Red toothpaste – Herbal Toothpaste Some common treatments for tooth decay are as follows: Filling- It is done when the tooth decay becomes permanent. It is also known as restoration treatment. The dentist removes cavities with a drill. Then he fills the holes using tooth colored material. Sitting for the filling depends on the severity of the decay. Crown- It is tooth covering to treat cavities. It is made up of teeth like material. If the decay is severe, then crown treatment becomes necessary. The dentist removes the decayed area of teeth with a drill and takes a mould of your teeth and makes the crown for you. When the crown is made, it is attached to your teeth. It can take more than 2 sittings. Root canal- If cavities have reached the tooth pulp, tooth decays internally. In root canal, the decayed pulp is removed from the tooth and it is refilled and sealed. At times, a crown is also required to cover-up. Sittings depend on the severity of the decay. Remove the affected tooth- If your tooth is damaged beyond repair, then the only option is to remove it. Dental implants can fill the gaps. Need more information on how to stop tooth decay? Follow our dental blog. Maintain proper oral hygiene and choose the right toothpaste to keep all dental problems away & ensure proper dental care.

Read more about home remedies for toothache for pain relief

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