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Cavities in Teeth: Best Toothpaste for Cavities, Treatment & Symptoms

What is a dental cavity?
They say a smile can melt many differences. Will you flash the same smile if you have dental problem? Besides chewing food and breaking it down for easy digestion,your teeth also make you look good.But have you ever noticed how much of hard work your teeth put up in your day to day life? During the process of chewing, teeth are subjected to extreme wear and tear, and are exposed to the risks of decay.After eating, you often find food deposits between teeth.The outermost layer of the teeth is called the enamel and inner most is called pulp.The food particles left between your teeth result in cavity formation that starts affecting the enamel. Thereafter, cavity formation continues and eventually sneaks in to the pulp. On reaching the pulp, cavities cause immense pain and discomfort.
A cavity is the starting point of tooth erosion.These cavities hide millions of harmful bacteria that react with food particles, specially sugar and starch,and convert them into acids. These acids, food particles, bacteria and saliva combine together to form a dangerous gluey/ sticky white substance called plaque that sticks to the teeth.This continued deposition of plaque transforms into harmful tartar that attacks the teeth and causes cavities.
Teeth erosion starts as small holes that appear on the enamel. At this stage you will not experience any pain but if left unnoticed, this erosion starts hampering the core areas (dental pulp) that house the nerves and blood vessels. This kind of long term damage leads to unbearable pain and tooth decay.

Dabur Red Paste - Ayurvedic Toothpaste is packed with the power of 13 active Ayurvedic ingredients like Laung,Pudina & Tomar that keeps dental problems away such as cavities and tooth decay. Also learn about the home remedies to treat cavities with our dental blog.

Cavities: Symptoms & Causes

You may not notice early signs of cavity formation as they do not cause any sort of pain in the initial stages. However, if you go for regular dental check-ups, which is always recommended, your dentist will surely assess the cavity formation at an early stage and provide appropriate treatments.
Initial symptoms are food lodgment in between teeth and on chewing surfaces of teeth, stains, discoloration and sensitivity.

Excruciating pain, discomfort and cracks on the tooth are some of the symptoms that occur once the cavities attack the innermost layers. Cavities between the teeth are difficult to notice. It is only after you succumb to toothache that you realize that there is something wrong in your oral cavity. Various advanced techniques like X-ray, fiber-optic transillumination and ultrasound help in cavity detection in the deepest areas.

Cavities: Procedure & Treatment

Early detection makes cavity treatment easier. The three main treatments used are filling, crowns and root canal treatment. These dental treatments depend largely on the level and extent of cavity formation.

Filling is a method wherein dentists drill into the affected areas and remove the decaying parts. The drilling cavity is filled with materials like glass ionomer cements, composite resin, porcelain, silver alloy or gold. In situations where tooth has been subjected to massive tooth decay, the tooth structure weakens and may even crack. Crowns made of porcelain or gold are capped on the rest of the tooth. Porcelain crowns fused to metal are also used for this purpose.

Root canal is another advanced technique that is used when the cavities start affecting the nerve. Here, the decayed tissues, nerves and outer layers of the tooth structure are removed and sealed with appropriate material. A crown is then placed on top of it.

The easiest way to keep cavities away is by maintaining a good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and periodic flossing prevents plaque deposits. A routine dental check up by a dentist gives a clear picture of your dental health and detects cavities at early stages. The earlier the detection, the less painful, faster and cheaper is the treatment and that too with better results.

Additionally, reduced consumption of sticky food items, carbonated drinks, starch and sugar is advisable. Chewing gums containing xylitol helps in destroying the harmful bacteria. It also curbs the growth of cavities. Green tea, unflavored and unsweetened yogurt, cottage cheese and peanuts work efficiently to prevent .

Cavities are treatable. But it is more important to realize that cavities can be easily prevented. So, take proper care of your teeth and do not miss your dentist appointments.

1) What are cavities?

Cavities are referred to the hole in the ​teeth/tooth caused due to tooth decay. When you eat food that is sugary or too sticky, it becomes the cause of germ causing bacteria to multiply and spread inside the mouth. Eventually, it results in formation of a thin layer on the surface of the teeth called plaque. This plaque bacteria uses the sugar to destroy the hard surface of the teeth also known as enamel. Over a period of time, this acid breakdown and wear and tear of the enamel lowers the ability of the tooth to combat germs and bacteria, leaving it vulnerable to germ attack in the form of decay and cavity. 

2) How is cavity different from tooth decay?

Tooth decay is not the same as cavity but id tooth decay is not treated in time, it can lead to the problem of decay. Tooth decay and cavities are among the most common teeth problems that people across the world suffer from. Tooth decay, also known as dental caries, originates from plaque or a bacteria-laden film that forms on the surface of the tooth. This plaque releases acid that eventually destroys the surface of the teeth. If the plaque is not treated in time it results in creating a hole in the enamel, which is known as cavity.  

3) Can cavities worsen?

Once the problem has escalated from decay to cavity, emphasis shifts from prevention to restoration. Cavities can cause severe amount of damage in the teeth if not treated in time. When tooth decay is not treated in time, it develops into cavity and if the problem of cavity is ignored, it can lead to further problems of loosening of affected tooth from the gums, infection in and around the affected tooth area, pain in the mouth, swollen gums, abscess, and finally weakening or breakage of tooth. Therefore, it is always advice to get in touch with your dentist for suggestions on how to prevent your teeth from decaying.

4) Are the damages reversible?

Cavities stand for permanent damage to the tooth that cannot be reversed but most certainly repaired. Tooth decay that has been ignored for long results in weakening and destruction of the enamel of the tooth, ultimately developing into cavity. Once the damage is done, it cannot be revered but to prevent further damage to the rest of the teeth visit your dentist for best advice. Also start using a fluorine based toothpaste and make it a point to brush and floss your mouth at least twice a day, daily, to stop the germ causing bacteria from causing havoc inside your mouth. Maintain good oral hygiene to keep all dental problems away.

5) What are the best home remedies for treating cavities?

Apart from maintaining a proper brushing and flossing routine, you can regularly follow these home remedies for relief from cavities.
Mix 4 tsp of lemon juice with ½ tsp of asafoetida and rub on the affected tooth area
Prepare a paste of 3-4 minced garlic with 1 tbsp of rock salt and use it to massage the affected tooth
Using warm water while brushing also help in reducing pain caused due to cavity
Place a slice of raw onion on the affected tooth area for to treat the pain caused by cavities


Ayurvedic Toothpaste for Cavities in Teeth

"Dabur Red Paste is packed with the power of 13 active Ayurvedic ingredients like Laung, Pudina & Tomar that keep all your dental problems away, thereby providing you strong teeth."