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Your Baby’s First Visit To The Dentist

December, 22 2014, Dabur Dental Team

When everything about your baby is so important, how can their milk teeth not be! Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, start forming in the mother’s womb, even though they erupt from the gums only when the baby turns 6 months. All 20 primary teeth of your baby will appear by the time he turns 3. All these baby teeth eventually fall out and are replaced with permanent teeth. When the baby teeth begin to come in, parents often start wondering about when to schedule the first paediatric dentist appointment. We say, as soon as you baby turns 1!

Why do babies need dentists?
Dental care tips are crucial in babies because, as much as we would not like to believe it, children these days are increasingly falling prey to massive cavity attacks. Studies show that more than 1 in 4 children have had at least one cavity by the age of 4. Many kids get cavities as early as age 2. To prevent early childhood cavities, parents first have to find out their child's risk of developing cavities. They also need to learn how to manage diet and hygiene to prevent these problems.

How often should my baby see a dentist?
Each baby is unique and so must be given individual, specialised and specific care. After seeing your baby for the first time itself, the dentist will let you know when he needs to see your infant again. It is important to follow the advice given by your dentist as he can help you learn how to prevent common oral problems. He may also be able to chart an oral hygiene plan for your child.

How to choose the best dentist for my baby?
Consult your own dentist and ask him for suggestions and other dental care tips. You can also take an opinion from people like you who have children of the same age. Read the online reviews of the dentist before you actually take your infant to him. It is advisable to contact a Paediatric Dentist for your child’s oral care needs as she/he would be well aware of problems associated with children’s teeth. Also, when you are visiting, make note of the following:
- Your dentist should be knowledgeable about children’s oral health, growth and development.
- He should be responsive and patient with you and should bewilling to be available during any emergency.
- He should be gentle and kind towards your child even if your child creates a fuss.

What to expect at the clinic?
When you take your child to a dentist, trust us, the experience will be more enriching than tough. To begin with, the dentist will review your child's history and respond to all your questions and concerns. S/he will also guide you about your child's overall oral health and stress on topics like development, teething, proper bite, thumb sucking habit, risk of cavities, diet, hygiene, etc. S/he will then look at your child’s mouth, with your baby sitting on your lap and let you know about where your child’s oral health stands. Lastly, s/he will suggest that you to use Babool, the best toothpaste in India, as soon as your baby can manage to brush.

Maintaining proper oral hygiene and using the right toothpaste plays a vital role in keeping dental problems such as plaque, gingivitis, tartar and tooth decay away. Visit our blog to know more about dental care and following an oral care routine to keep teeth strong and healthy



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