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Understanding The Development Of Your Child’s Teeth

February, 10 2015, Dabur Dental Team

Excited about your baby’s six month birthday? Don’t be too surprised if one or two pearly whites pop up to join in the celebrations. But before that happens, we want you to be in the know.


  • Six months is about when your baby will start getting his/her first teeth. These have been already formed when they are born but only begin to erupt from the gums now. These baby/primary teeth play an important role by helping your child bite and chew food, and speak clearly.
  • The two front bottom teeth are the first to come in. The next teeth to follow are the four front top teeth and the other two bottom teeth. Teeth usually erupt in pairs, one on each side of the face. By the age of 3, your child will have about twenty baby teeth in his/her mouth.
  • These baby/temporary teeth then give way to permanent teeth. The prime objective is to reserve space for the permanent teeth later on so that the permanent set of teeth do not become crooked.
  • The entire teething process unfortunately is very difficult for your little one. They may experience sore gums and general oral discomfort which includes crankiness, lack of appetite, excessive drooling, restless behaviour, pink or red cheeks, coughing, upset stomach and chewing or sucking of fingers and toys. A cold, wet cloth for your baby to suck on can sooth gums. There are also teething accessories and toys your child can chew on to relieve discomfort. In case nothing works, please visit a pediatric dentist.



  • As your child turns 6-7, the baby teeth will begin to fall off and give way to adult teeth. These are permanent teeth and most of these come in by the time your child hits his/her teens.
  • Most often, the first permanent teeth to come in are the lower front four teeth. However, some children get their first permanent molars first.
  • Around age 11 or 12, the second permanent molars come in behind the first molars.
  • Wisdom teeth, or third molars, come in between ages 17 and 21.
  • Ugly Duckling Stage: Towards 10 years of age, your childs front teeth which were otherwise straight may start getting crooked. Don’t panic because this is a normal phenomenon when the canines erupt & will correct on its own.


Tooth decay or other teeth issues can attack your child at any age. Make sure you take the necessary precautions to save your child the ordeal. Good teeth require a disciplined routine. Cleaning them with Dabur Babool at least twice a day is a mandate, no matter what the age of your child is. Brushing at night is more important as most cavities are initiated while sleeping. Excessive sugar at any age can rot the teeth and lead to bigger complications later on. A visit to the dentist every six months is not a bad idea. Make sure your child follows a teeth-healthy and moderate diet to have no tooth troubles all through his life!

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