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Dental Care For New Born Babies

June, 16 2014, Dabur Dental Team

Dental Care For New Born Babies
Did you know your baby’s teeth are already formed when he is born? Only that they are hidden between the gums and will start showing up when your baby turns 6 months old. Thus caring for your baby’s oral health and following dental care tips is important right from when your baby is born.
At Home Dental Care
Begin cleaning your baby’s mouth during the first few days after birth. Wipe your baby’s gums with a clean gauze pad after each feed to remove plaque and residual food that can harm erupting teeth. When the first teeth appear, you can use gauze to clean it. When more teeth appear, brush twice daily, using a soft baby toothbrush and the best toothpaste in India - Babool. Begin flossing as early as when two teeth touch each other while taking care not to injure your baby’s gums. Your baby’s dentist can teach you how. However, begin using a mouthwash only when the child can definitely spit it out.
The Don’ts
Never allow your baby to sip on sugary liquids the whole day. These sugary liquids like juices, milk etc., lead to the decay of your baby’s primary teeth even before all his teeth properly appear. If your baby is in a habit of taking a feeding bottle to bed, make sure it contains nothing but water because the bacteria in sugary liquids can harm your baby’s mouth twice as much when he is sleeping. Also, while it is only natural for your baby to suck his thumb, fingers, etc., discourage him from doing so, as early as possible. Avoid putting your baby into the habit of getting pacified with a honey-dipped pacifier as this can play havoc on your baby’s teeth. Both these habits will not only lead to tooth decay but also spoil the formation and positioning of your baby’s permanent teeth.
The Hiccups
Teething is what every parent should be prepared for, well in time. When your baby has no or only a few teeth and more are scheduled to surface, your baby is at a constant threat of falling prey to another one of those nasty teething attacks. During teething it is very natural for your baby to be irritable, uncomfortable, cranky and exhausted. You must help soothe your baby with cold teething rings, massage their gums and consult the paediatric dentist for more advice on the teething process.
Professional Assistance
By the time your child is 6 months old, your doctor should assess the likelihood of your child having future dental problems. The first visit to the dentist may also entail a check of the parents’ medical history and the current condition of their teeth. After gathering enough information and personally checking up your baby’s oral health condition, the doctor will let you know when he needs to see the baby next. If the doctor thinks your child will have dental problems, the appointments may become more regular and you will be required to follow instructions more closely.

Maintaining proper oral hygiene and using the right toothpaste plays a vital role in keeping dental problems away.



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