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Dabur Babool Toothpaste Review

August, 28 2015, Dabur Dental Team

I am the mother of a 7 year old boy. My child constantly used to complain of toothache and this became a source of worry for our entire family. I took an appointment with a dentist and here is a list of instructions that he gave us to follow:
  • A Healthy diet

    Avoid starchy and sugary food that stick to your child’s teeth. Get him to chew on crunchy foods as they naturally clean the teeth.
  • Teeth cleaning programme

    Always make sure he removes food that sticks to and between the teeth. Brushing after meals is a good habit and must be inculcated. Establish a good oral care routine to avoid dental problems.
  • Wearing dental guards

    While playing sports, it is important that he wears dental guards to save himself from an accident that might cause tooth ache.
  • Despite following all the above instructions, the situation did not improve much. In an episode of toothache, I ended up trying the following home remedies that I am sharing with you.
  • Ice Pack

    Cover an ice pack with a face cloth or towel then hold over your kid’s cheek. This will help numb things. You can also try hot compress if the cold one does not work.
  • Baking Soda

    Take a moist cotton swab, dip it in baking soda and then apply to the problem area.
  • Salt Water

    Mix a heaped tablespoon full of salt in a small glass of warm water; swirl around inside your kid’s mouth and repeat as needed.
  • Cloves

    Put a clove against the sore area until pain goes away. You can also use a drop or two of clove oil for your little one.
While the above remedies were useful, I had to find something that could stop this dental problem once and for all. It is then that my cousin suggested that I use best toothpaste in the world - Dabur Babool. Dabur Babool is natural toothpaste for teeth whitening packed with the benefits of Babool that helps to keep your child’s gums healthy and teeth strong. It is an excellent herbal formulation especially beneficial for growing and developing gums and teeth and works wonders on children suffering from dental problems. I recommend you to try it out for your child too! Maintain proper oral hygiene and choose the right toothpaste to keep all dental problems away & ensure proper dental care.

Also visit our blog to know home remedies for toothache



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