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Common Tooth Woes In Children

May, 30 2014, Dabur Dental Team

Tooth problems have a way of making themselves known, loud and clear. The bad part is that they are extremely common and the good part is that most of them can be cured.Here is a guide to the common tooth problems your kids may face along with dental care tips through which you can prevent the same. Read on:

Even before your baby gets all his teeth, there is a possibility that they begin to decay. Baby bottle tooth decay happens when sweetened liquids like milk, formula, and fruit juice, cling to an infant's teeth for a long time. If teeth are infected or lost too early due to baby bottle tooth decay, your child may develop poor eating habits, speech problems, crooked teeth, and damaged adult teeth. Some vigilance and continuous care can easily prevent such a situation from arising. The dental care tip here is, to always keep your baby’s teeth clean with a soft washcloth or toothbrush (atleast twice a day with best toothpaste in India- Babool). Also, replacing sugary liquids with plain water, in your baby’s bottle during nap times may help. Never let the child sleep while sucking onto a bottle of milk or any other fluids.

Teething is a natural yet uncomfortable phase for your baby. Most babies start teething around the age of 6 months and end up feeling very irritated, cranky, experience drooling, sore, swollen gums, loss of appetite, etc. Conscious parents must make an effort to relieve their baby’s anxiety by giving him something cool and soothing to chew on. It can either be a teething ring or simply a wet and soft washcloth. Another dental care tip is that parents can massage the baby’s gums, gently with a finger, to ease the irritation taking care not to injure the gums.

Chronic gingivitis is common among children. It usually causes gum tissues to swell, turn red and bleed easily. You can prevent and treat Gingivitis with a regular routine of brushing, flossing and professional dental care. Don’t take this disease lightly. If left untreated, it can eventually advance to more serious forms of periodontal disease leading to loss of teeth.

Anything in excess can become a curse, even you baby’s innocent habit of sucking his thumb. While it’s normal and comforting for a baby to do so, if the same continues beyond the age of 5, when the permanent teeth begin to come in, it may become the root cause for a disastrous teeth line. Depending on the frequency, intensity, and duration of the sucking, the teeth can be pushed out of alignment, causing them to protrude and create an overjet. In fact, the upper and lower jaws can become misaligned and the roof of the mouth might become malformed. In addition, your child may also have difficulty with the correct pronunciation of words. Discourage your child from sucking his thumb as he grows. Ask your paediatrician how.

It’s good to have happy, active children. But the problem arises when they have an unfortunate fall and come running to you in tears, with their broken tooth in one hand. To avoid such a situation, get them a mouth guard, after consulting a dentist. This will safeguard them against such accidents while playing sports etc. However, in case such a situation does arise, put the tooth in a cup of milk, saliva or normal saline (NS) to keep it hydrated as chances are that your dentist may be able to put it back in if it does not completely dry out. This process called as ‘Replantation’ is possible only in the first three hours of avulsion of the tooth. Do not fiddle or try to clean the avulsed tooth.

Maintaining proper oral hygiene and using the right toothpaste plays a vital role in keeping dental problems away.



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