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Causes Of Discoloured Teeth

February, 11 2015, Dabur Dental Team

Discoloured teeth are often embarrassing. While a lot of us face this problem and opt for many tooth whitening substances, very few of us know what causes this condition. Use of India’s best toothpaste- Meswak can however avoid this dental problem. Following are factors that affect the colour of our teeth:
  • Foods & Drinks:
    Some commonly consumed products such as coffee, tea, sodas, aerated drinks, red wine, apples and potatoes are responsible for staining the teeth. The dark compounds that make up these products cause generalized yellow, brown or burnt orange-coloured tooth stains. So, you should either avoid consuming these things or always brush after doing so.
  • Aging
    As we age, our teeth tend to lose their natural colour and shine. The teeth take on a generalized yellow or brown coloration, with associated tooth dinginess and darkening. This may also happen as a result of wearing off of the enamel layer.
  • Irregular Brushing
    If you feast on stain producing substances, such as coffee, but don’t bother to brush or floss your teeth regularly, very soon you will not be able to recognise the colour of your teeth. Lack of hygiene can lead to a plaque build-up on your teeth, which when combined with stain-producing substances causes the teeth to lose colour.Oral hygiene is also a must to avoid all other dental problems.
  • Tooth Decay
    If your tooth is decaying, then the colour of your teeth will reflect the different stages of cavity formation. The tooth can start looking yellow, brown or black and its surface will lose its sheen and may show evident damage.
  • Medication
    Some medications can affect your teeth if consumed during the formative years of the teeth. Particular antibiotics of the tetracycline group are known to discolour teeth. Brown to yellow bands can be seen characteristically indicating tetracycline damage. Even some mouthwashes such as Chlorhexidine can do this and so must be avoided on a long term routine.
  • Disease and Treatment
    Certain diseases and their treatment (head and neck radiation and chemotherapy) can affect your enamel and dentin, causing your teeth to change its colour.
  • Genetic Factors
    The baseline colour of a person's teeth may naturally be more yellow, brown or gray, or relatively lighter or darker, than other people due to their genetic makeup.
  • Nicotine
    If you are a smoker, don’t be surprised if the tobacco starts staining your teeth over time, no matter how regularly you brush or floss. Nicotine stains are characteristically black to brown in colour.
  • Environment
    High levels of fluoride in water or excessive use of fluoride rinses, toothpastes and supplements can all cause teeth discoloration. These factors can be naturally present in the environment around you and cause dental problems. White stains appear on teeth affected by Fluorosis which may turn yellow to brown in severe cases.
  • Internal tooth changes
    This is something only your dentist can confirm. Generalized staining can be caused by changes that have occurred within a tooth's nerve space. This process can be triggered by events such as trauma, or when you tooth requires a root canal treatment. The tooth may turn pink (Pink tooth of Mummery) or black in such cases.
Maintain proper oral hygiene and choose the right toothpaste to keep all dental problems away & ensure proper dental care.


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