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Smile designing

A smile speaks a thousand words. Smiling is an act of a person’s ability and willingness to express emotions with the movement of their facial muscles and lips. The art of smile designing is a well-organized, systematic and modern approach done on patients to evaluate, diagnose and resolve aesthetic problems. It gives a new improved look to the patient’s smile. It is done by modifying specific and distinguished aesthetic elements
Smile designing can also be called a process of improving the appearance of the smile with the help of different dental treatments like composites, dental veneers, bonding, dental implants, teeth whitening and gums surgery (recontouring).
In older times, the process of making a beautiful smile was done with the help of animal tusks to sharpen teeth, curve their size, shape and appearance etc.
Importance of smile designing
  1. The most important function of this process is to give a beautiful, healthy and everlasting smile
  2. Smile designing also develops a stable masticator system where teeth, jaws, mouth muscles and mouth joints can function normally
  3. It gives the teeth a normal and beautiful appearance
  4. And with a beautiful smile comes an enhanced confidence

Smile designing

  1. Tooth Color: Metal fillings in teeth or a tooth can be replaced with tooth colored fillings. The presence of stains, discolored teeth and dull teeth can also be improved with the help of teeth whitening procedures.
  2. Alignment and Spacing : Teeth which are half broken or cracked, overlapped and have a large space between each other can also be properly filled and covered with the help of cosmetic treatments
  3. Missing Teeth: Missing teeth always give a negative impression on beauty of smile. Whether teeth are missing from the front or back jaw; missing teeth increase the risk of bone loss, caries to other teeth and the health of gums. Artificial dentures, crowns and bridges can help in overcoming such problems
  4. Harmony and Balance: Uneven and chipped teeth can also be designed and restored to normal with cosmetic bonding materials and even a gloomy smile can be improved


Smile designing

Components of Smile designing
In order to achieve a good smile, proper facial and dental components are required. A few of them are:
  • The shape of the jaws
  • The shape of the face
  • The position of the eyes
  • The width of lips.

The Shape of the Face:

To complete successful treatment, a proper alignment, symmetry and proportion of the face is required. This treatment includes multidisciplinary dental approach like orthodontics, orthographic surgery, gum treatment and plastic surgery. The horizontal and vertical dimensions of the face also play a vital role.

The size, shape, position, width, location, built, health and other dimensions of the jaws, eyes and lips help in achieving a beautiful aesthetic smile.

Vital Elements of Dental Composition

Apart from the natural looks of an individual, the following dental elements are very much desirable.

Hard tissue (Tooth) Components:

  • The midline between both upper and lower jaws which divides them equally
  • The length of upper and lower front teeth
  • The length and width of teeth
  • Presence of number of joints among teeth
  • Sex, symmetry and age
  • Overall symmetry and balance of all these components

Soft Tissue Components

  • Healthy gums are desired
  • The level and symmetry of gums present in both the jaws
  • Smile line (the extent up to which a person can smile)

Smile makeover care and maintenance
Cosmetic dental procedures or smile designing procedures demand proper, regular and long-term oral care like daily brushing , regular dental check-ups within short intervals of at most three to six months. Repeating the treatment after a span of a few years may also be required in order to prevent the total loss of prior results and to maintain the aesthetic standards.
Smile designing procedures should be very appealing, comfortable, hygienic, easy to maintain and functionally very successful. Smile designing should be done with a conservative mind set involving less time, reasonable costs and more durability.  A multispecialty approach gives an individual an overall makeover.

1) What is smile designing?

Smile designing refers to the process of changing the look of your smile using surgical procedures. It is usually done by people who are looking to enhance their looks and self-confidence. The smile designing aids in changing the appearance of your smile by way of filling gaps between teeth, reshaping the size and look of your teeth, changing the position of your teeth, whitening of teeth and adding few more where the teeth have gone missing. A procedure done in consultation with a professional or dentist can give you effective results and give you a smile to die for.  

2) Is every dentist able to create a smile?

Smile designing requires good amount of precision and knowledge. Therefore, using the services of a skilled professional or a cosmetic dentist is required to carry out the process smoothly and to the desired results.  Instead of opting for the services of a regular dentist, one must approach a cosmetic dentist instead for smile designing. Cosmetic dentists are restorative dentists who have thoroughly and extensively studied the concept of smile designing and dental materials that are specifically required for the procedure. A cosmetic dentist will be able to share in detail with you the reference of the kind of smiles that would fit your appearance, the entire procedure and the guidelines to be followed to achieve the same.  

3) Are there any medical risks associated with smile design?

Since the procedure involves working on teeth and mouth related functionalities, the risk involved in the procedure is the same as involved in getting any other dental intervention like root canal, dental crown, filling for cavity prone tooth etc. The procedure is usually done by a medical/dental expert who has ample knowledge about the guidelines and steps to follow to minimize the risk of any complication or risk for the client. The fittings are made in a dental lab and a proper method is followed while creating these products, which minimizes the risk of any complication.

4) How much does a smile design cost?

The cost of smile design totally depends on the condition of the teeth and on the work that would be required to restore them to their original glory. The cost can vary from expensive to affordable depending upon the intervention required, the fittings that would be brought in place to fill in the gaps between teeth, and also that of the reputation of the dentist you would be approaching to take undertake the procedure. A thorough research on the cost can be done beforehand before going ahead and getting the procedure done. It will help you know the market price better and then take a decision.

5) What happens to my original teeth during smile design?

The procedure of smile designing emphasises on not being too invasive on the original appearance of the teeth. A skilled cosmetic dentist would make sure to use minimal invasive techniques and put more emphasis on preservation of dental tissues with minimum damage. The idea is to keep the original structure of the teeth intact with minimum amount of alteration so that your smile stays as natural as possible.
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