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Unique Oral Care Needs Of Toddlers

June, 09 2014, Dabur Dental Team

Toddlers have special needs, even when it comes to their teeth. Cleaning and caring for their teeth early on sets up good dental habits for life and avoids general tooth troubles. As young parents it is important for you to identify these unique needs. Take a look at these pointers and learn ways and methods to take care of your toddler’s teeth better!

Take Care of Teething
Children start teething at different times, but the first tooth usually appears between 6 and 10 months. Teething is a difficult and painful process for your child, so help him get by comfortably by giving him something cold to bite on. You can also try a teething ring or anything else that is softer to chew on. Also, you can give your toddler something firm, like a sugar-free rusk, to suck on. Your child will seem happier and more comfortable if he has access to these props. However if he seems increasingly uncomfortable, visit a dentist. Make sure the props are sterilised by boiling as impure props can induce infections allergies to your child. Also, make sure props are made of medical grade silicone and do not have sharp edges that may injure the child.

Give them a Teeth Friendly Diet
The best diet for your toddler’s healthy teeth is a balanced one that includes whole grains, fruits and veggies, calcium-rich options, and plenty of protein. Kid-friendly foods like cheese, oranges, sweet potatoes, apples, cranberries and plenty of water are our best picks! At this growing age carbohydrates, minerals & proteins are a very important part of dietary intake.

Teach them to Brush Correctly

  • Begin with teaching your toddlers the simple horizontal (scrubbing) movement. After this, they can learn the more difficult circular movements for the outer surfaces and lastly the small up-and-down movements for cleaning the inside surfaces.
  • Make them brush their teeth atleast 2 times a day.
  • Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of Dabur Babool toothpaste.
  • Make sure your toddler spits the toothpaste out, after brushing instead of swallowing the excess. Flavoured children’s toothpastes available in the market may enhance your child’s interest & consistency of brushing. Changing the flavour may also help motivate the child to brush regularly.

Visit the Dentist Regularly
Start when the first tooth erupts in your child’s mouth .Repeat visits every 6 months. The earlier you help prevent problems such as cavities, the better. These visits can also help you learn ways by which you can ensure better oral health of your toddler.

Avoid Pacifiers
Many toddlers love their pacifiers. These can lead to tooth decay and also spoil the shape of your toddler’s mouth by causing forward inclination of the upper front teeth. Encourage your toddler to let go of such toys as early as possible. Usually children associate their pacifiers with the feeling of ‘security’. Identify the child’s insecurity & help him forego the dependency on his/her pacifier.

Stop Thumb Sucking & Teeth Grinding
Sucking thumbs or fingers is a natural reflex in babies and young children. Most children grow out of finger sucking around 2-4 years of age. Try and get them out of this habit earlier as it is unhygienic.Many children are into teeth-grinding. While it usually does not need any treatment, it could lead to your child experiencing headaches, tooth or jaw pain, or wearing down of his teeth. In case your child finds it difficult to overcome thumb sucking, visit your paediatric dentist who will fabricate a habit breaking appliance for your child. In case of teeth grinding, a night guard can be fabricated for your child so as to protect the tooth surfaces from wearing off due to grinding. A night guard is a transparent coveringon the teeth that can easily be worn & removed as desired.

Touch base with other young parents, friendly dentists and gather information on Dabur dental care to know all that you need to about your child’s oral care.

Tags: Teeth, Dentist

Maintaining proper oral hygiene and using the right toothpaste plays a vital role in keeping dental problems away.



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