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Reasons And Causes Of Bad Breath

February, 10 2015, Dabur Dental Team

Bad breath can be very embarrassing and troublesome. Many a times, people who develop it are clueless about what is causing it. Given below is a list of reasons that can cause bad breath. Avoid these and use Dabur Meswak - Herbal Toothpaste, to have a dazzling, fresh smile that is to die for!
  • Poor Oral Hygiene

    The top most cause of bad breath is a dirty mouth. 90% of mouth odours come from mouth itself; either from the food that is eaten or bacteria that’s already there.If teeth are not cleaned properly, the bacteria will build up and the stink-creating kind will stay around the tongue, churning out gases as they munch on the remaining food particles. Brushing after every meal is a must to avoid this dental problem of bad breath. Always brush for at least 3 to 5 minutes by the watch. Floss daily as well for special care. A mouth rinse may help reduce mouth odours.
  • Dental Problems

    Gum diseases and dry mouth can lead to an increase in bacterial growth and odour. In gum diseases, the person suffering develops bloody gums, creating more elements for the bacteria to spoil. In a dry mouth condition, the saliva that helps flush out the mouth and keep the bacteria moving is missing, leading them to cause more odour. Saliva also has enzymes that kill bacteria & in its absence bacterial growth & activity increases.
  • Medications

    Many medications can cause the mouth to become dry. In the lack of salvia, the foul breath creating bacteria cannot get rinsed away, causing the dental problem of bad breath. Some medications may also incite bad breath as a direct effect.
  • Stinky foods

    Food such as onions, garlic, alcohol and tobacco tend to create a horrible stench in the mouth. Avoid consuming them during the day. Always brush immediately after eating them to get rid of foul breath. Mouth rinses may help counter bad breath after meals.
  • Illnesses

    Health problems such as bronchitis, sinusitis, and even a cold can create a bad odour. They break down the tissue, starting a flow of cells and mucus that feed bacteria and create foul odours. Diabetes can also cause ketosis and the resulting bad breath is sometimes one of first symptoms that lead to diagnosis. Kidney disease also creates a particular odour.
  • Diet

    Low-carb diets cause your body to burn stored fats for fuel instead of carbs and release bad breathe in return.Foods high in protein or dairy products generate large amounts of amino acids, which the bacteria feed on. Thus, always remember to store up on your carbs for best dental care.
  • Skipping Breakfast

    The most surprising cause of bad breath is no breakfast. This first meal of the day stimulates saliva production and scrubs the bacteria from the tongue, avoiding bad breath. So remember to start your day with a hearty breakfast.
  • Alcohol Consumption

    Heavy alcohol consumption also can dry out the mouth and cause bad breath. Alcohol usually causes dehydration of the tissues.
  • Mouth breathing

    Sleep apnoea, snoring, asthma or any other condition that dries the tissues of the mouth and prevents saliva from washing away bacteria encourages bad breath.

Learn how to get rid of Bad Breath by applying the most effective Bad Breath Home remedies by Dabur Dental Care.


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