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9 Effective Ayurvedic Medicines For Tooth Pain

March, 21 2017, Dabur Dental Team

Just the thought of a toothache can result in a shiver running down your mouth and eventually the spine. It is that provoking a pain! Trust us when we say, tooth pain can literally make a person squeal in discomfort. But there is nothing to fret the problem just yet. Like for everything painful and bad there is always a solution; similarly for tooth pain there are solutions available right in your kitchen cupboard that does not require you to rush to the dentist every time and yet provide quick and effective relief in no time.

But before all of that, here are some of the common causes for tooth pain:

While there are dozens of teeth pain treatments which are available out there, ayurvedic treatment for tooth pain has long been the preferred route for many. While it may be quite unconventional, Ayurveda is known to be free from any side effects and provides relief the natural way. It cures tooth pain from the root, which makes it a cost-effective and potent option.

Here are 9 ayurvedic medicines for tooth pain relief:

  1. Cloves:
    Clove oil is a remedy used for centuries to cure tooth pain. It contains eugenol which has healing properties and soothes the nerves that reside inside the tooth.
    • Chew a few pieces of clove from the area of the offending tooth to allow the oil to penetrate into the affected area.
    • Alternately, mix clove oil with few drops of olive oil and apply on the affected tooth with a cotton swab.
    • Rinse mouth with warm saltwater to clear out bacteria and germs and any residual oil from the mouth.
  2. Herbal Sticks:
    This is a popular practice in rural areas to this day. Herbal sticks such as Neem and Babool are known to fight tooth decay and plaque. The Miswak stick also possesses anti-microbial properties.
    • Pick a fresh stem and ensure that it is soft and without leaves. It may be scaled to remove the outer bark. Chew on the stick to get germ free teeth.

    Another alternate to using herbal sticks is using toothpastes that are fortified with pure extracts of these age old natural remedies. Herbal toothpastes like Dabur Babool and Dabur Meswak are packed with natural goodness and extracts of Babool & Miswak trees thus aid in keeping your teeth clean & strong, and give them an effective protection from germs, decay and cavities of any kind. Their unique flavour also leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean.asset_image
  3. Amla Powder:
    Indian gooseberry or Amla, as it is more popularly known, is a very potent herb and is used in many ayurvedic treatments. With reference to toothaches, Amla help rebuild and develop connective tissues thus keeping teeth healthy, strong & germ-free. To use amla on your teeth and gums, take a teaspoon of Amla powder every day for long-term benefits to oral health
  4. Asafoetida:
    Asafoetida is the dried latex of the Ferula herb. Other than its use in cooking to enhance taste and aroma, it has a lot of medicinal properties. It is commonly used as a remedy for tooth ache and is a good herbal toothache treatment as it reduces inflammation and tooth pain. There are different ways of using it as a remedy for tooth pain:
    1. Put a piece of raw Asafoetida directly on the aching tooth or the affected area
    2. Mix Asafoetida powder with lemon juice to form a paste and apply on the affected tooth. Lemon juice also possesses anti-bacterial properties, which makes the mixture more effective in providing relief.
  5. Wheatgrass:
    Amongst the various benefits of wheatgrass, one of them is relieving tooth pain and fighting tooth decay. It is a strong intoxicant and can also be used as a mouthwash to clear out bacteria. It is a perfect remedy for dental pain treatment.
    • Chew on a few strands of wheatgrass from the side of the affected area.
    • Gargle a shot of wheatgrass juice or wheatgrass powder mixed with water, swirl around the affected tooth and then spit out.
  6. Tumeric Powder:
    Haldi is well-known for its anti-bacterial properties. It prevents dental caries and is a good toothache treatment.
    • Mix finely powdered turmeric with mustard oil and make a paste. Apply on the affected area before going to bed.
  7. Garlic:
    There are testimonials confirming the effectiveness of garlic in healing tooth pain and is a very popular home treatment for toothache. Here are several ways to incorporate garlic in curing tooth problems:
    • Chew on some raw garlic to instantly relieve tooth pain
    • Mix garlic with rock salt or regular salt and form a paste. Apply on the affected tooth
  8. Nutmeg:
    Nutmeg is a strong anti-inflammatory agent and prevents dental plaque. Although it is not as popular as other ingredients but is definitely as effective. Nutmeg also contains eugenol similar to cloves that aids in subsiding tooth ache.
    • Take nutmeg powder and mix with mustard oil to make a paste. Apply on the affected tooth and wash after 20 minutes.
  9. Triphala Churna:
    Triphala is a wonder herb which is a mild laxative. It is used to cure digestive problems among other illnesses. Triphala Churna is a powdered version of the triphala herb. To use this herb to fight tooth problems:
    • Take 10 grams of the powder and mix with warm water. Gargle regularly with this mixture to obtain healthy teeth, free of any decay and toothaches.
    Teeth pain treatment starts right from regularly brushing and flossing. Make sure to use a tooth paste that blends the best of the ingredients that the nature has to offer to provide you with healthy, strong, germ-free & white teeth.
    Dabur Red Paste uses 13 active Ayurvedic ingredients like laung, pudina, and tomar among others to give you complete protection against plaque, gingivitis, cavities and tooth decay to promote healthy gums. Dabur Red Toothpaste- Ayurvedic Toothpaste                  
    Dabur Meswak, as the name suggests, brings pure herbal extracts from the tooth fairy, the Meswak tree. It is 100% herbal and delivers total prevention of tooth decay, plaque and gum diseases. Dabur Red Toothpaste- Ayurvedic Toothpaste
    Dabur Babool is an equally effective paste with Babool extracts providing a 3 step  cure to all dental problems    Dabur Red Toothpaste- Ayurvedic Toothpaste -
    • Its antibacterial power fights germs
    • Forms a protective layer over gums
    • Astringent action tightens gums

    Dabur Red Toothpaste- Ayurvedic Toothpaste
    Dabur Lal Dant Manjan
    is a magic powder for teeth to be precise. With its ingredients such as clove oil, pudina, pippali and tomar, one can be rest assured that dental problems, bad breath and toothaches are never near.

    Teeth pain treatments are no more a hassle!
Maintain proper oral hygiene and choose the right toothpaste to keep all dental problems away & ensure proper dental care.

Read more about home remedies for toothache for pain relief



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