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10 Ways To Save Your Teeth From Pyorrhea

March, 17 2015, Dabur Dental Team

Pyorrhea is the inflammation of gums and tooth sockets, often leading to loosening of the teeth. It is a condition characterized by bleeding gums. When teeth are not brushed properly and regularly, the bacteria build up on the teeth convert food particles into acids. These acidic elements putrefy the gums and teeth and induce Pyorrhoea-like conditions. Common causes of Pyorrhea are improper brushing habits, poor oral hygiene, improper nutrition, lack of resistance of the gums. If you are suffering from Pyorrhea, then you could be experiencing pus oozing from margins of teeth, swollen and inflamed gums, loosened teeth roots and sepsis of digestive tract or liver disorders, in extreme cases.

You can cure this dental problem by maintaining proper oral hygiene, brushing with India’s best toothpaste - Babool and trying out the following natural remedies:

  1. Chewing of fresh babul bark helps arrest bleeding gums and is an effective home remedy for Pyorrhea.
  2. Guava acts as a teeth tonic due to the high amount of vitamin C. Chewing guava leaves helps in curing bleeding from gums and keeps the teeth healthy.
  3. Lemon strengthens teeth and helps in preventing inflammation of gums. It is rich in Vitamin C and is an excellent home remedy for Pyorrhea.
  4. Drinking 1 cup of spinach juice mixed with 1 cup of carrot juice is another effective remedy for the prevention and treatment of Pyorrhea.
  5. Chewing raw onion for a few minutes kills all germs and is an excellent home cure for Pyorrhea. Onion has a potent bactericidal property which helps fight gum bleeding.
  6. Use mustard oil and add a pinch of salt to it. Rub this mixture on the gums and leave for 5 minutes after brushing. This is a very effective remedy against this dental problem.
  7. Chewing wheat soaked in water for around 10 minutes, is a very effective exercise for teeth and gums and helps in improving blood circulation in the area.
  8. Grind some pepper till it forms a fine powder and add some salt to it. Massage this mixture onto the gums several times a day to cure Pyorrhea.
  9. Powder of pomegranate, mixed with common salt and pepper is an excellent dentifrice which helps counter bacterial infection by cleaning teeth and gums of plaque and tartar.
  10. Boil 4 to 5 of cinnamon bark pieces in a vessel of water for about half an hour. Cool down the fluid a bit and strain, and use it for gargling.
A regular visit to the dentist can help you maintain your oral health and keep many dental problems at bay. Maintain proper oral hygiene and choose the right toothpaste to keep all dental problems away & ensure proper dental care.



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